Thursday, June 21, 2007

In between Erdnase

Although Erdnase is regarded as the first text to provide meticulous detail, I am seeing more and more people unable to comprehend or appreciate the fine detail. I will use for example The Systems of Palming.

First, Erdnase specifically references them as systems, not moves, implying the necessity of transitions in and out. These transitions and contexts he provides, Method One, it is clearly noted that the cards are over hand shuffled to retain top stock. Then obtain a break during square up and the palm would remove a block of cards, a somewhat random albeit estimable number.
If you attempt this palm after an overhand shuffle, say Shuffle I to retain top stock or Shuffle II to retain top stock then immediately go into the palm. You will note the ease in which the palm is accomplished and the necessity of the deck to be turned in the hands before squaring (obtain break) then palming instantly before placing the cards down.
Erdnase provides perfect solutions for specific situations and after very particular sets of card play procedures have taken place. Nothing to scoff at and certainly anyone saying it is dated, is indirectly implying the rules of cards have changed or the procedures varied. I haven't found that to be true, but then again, who am I?


Anonymous said...

I looked over your blog for contact info, but found none.

Could you email me at

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Milton said...

No contact info is for a reason, you may email me at if you like.
I look forward to your email.
-Erdnase Student

Anonymous said...

Well said!

GOAP said...

I to love Erdnase. check out my review for non magicians over at my blog.

I intend to link to your site for all of its Erdnase loving glory