Saturday, May 26, 2007

Groomed... not that kind

This is getting a little off topic but I feel it is something I need to put somewhere. When I was very young my parents planted this seed of financial wealth and success beyond all belief. I can recall it from as young as 6 years old. I was being groomed, little did I know this would become a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
When I was old enough (roughly 11 years old) my parents made sure I was aware of the family finances and where they were, how much etc. Bare in mind I have an older sibling by a few years so this pressure to be successful, or rich, rather, was quite intense. As I matured and made my awkward way through puberty and I found myself confronting many difficult tasks; including but not limited to, women, school work, money, business ventures, etc.
By age 17 I had 2 businesses. One legal, one not. I started a small black jack ring in my school and tutored in mathematics. I had no overhead other than playing cards. In choosing my schedule I made sure I had both lunch periods free to run the mini-casino of sorts. I made money, often large amounts. Sometimes 10-20 dollars per hand as the house. At 17 making this kind of money during lunch hour was quite significant.
I was encouraged to keep up with school as well. my marks dropped before peaking my last year, when they mattered most. I managed to talk the school into allowing me to start a club, The Magic Club. Obviously jokes came from other students, I was required to post sign up sheets, inevitably they were marked with the hatred I had come to live with, "The Magic School Bus Club" was common.
Total members? Roughly 6 people in a school of nearly 1500. Two people were teachers, 1 was my girlfriend, 1 myself, 1 my girlfriend's sister and the other my good friend. We needed 5 to run the club. So why the club? It allowed me to put President of Student run club on my resume and it had a budget, the important part, of 400 dollars per semester. This covered the cost of playing cards for my casino operation. At age 18 I was making between 200-500 dollars per week dealing cards at one table during lunch hours. I tutored as well adding about 120 dollars per week. A whooping total of between 320 and 620 dollars per week. Not bad for an 18 year old kid working under and at the card table.
Where am I going with this? My parents embedded this drive to make money. They created a small monster that has empowered me to do anything. The school ,outside of regular curriculum, invested about 8000 dollars in me as an individual, without scholarships.
So why does this matter? This matters because I just recently spoke to a high school freshman class that had no drive. no desire and no idea what was going on. Although this blog is meant for magic reasons primarily I feel the need to express my thoughts regarding a personal drive and motivation especially with regards to success.
How does this fit back with the grooming I mentioned earlier? You might hear newspapers or business channels talk about a son or daughter of a company being groomed for a position. Well my parents did just that with me. But there is no position, I had to make it. They actually made me groom myself. I now have such a strong drive to produce that I have business plans for about 8 businesses prepared and tucked away, marketing plans for all of them. Minimal start up and minimal overhead. Great potential for high ROI. This all came about because I started reading and educating myself with books. I still read everything I can get my hands on with regards to marketing, advertising, public relations, direct marketing, publicity, success, etc.
Why does this matter? This matters because it is everything they didn't teach me in school. This is all the information that has empowered me to go on and do ANYTHING I want. I am confident in my abilities, I know I can accomplish anything. I can make money at anything.
That's what I do, I make money. Lot's of it and quickly. Money is there when I need it and when anyone else does. It's all legit and by the books, but nobody taught me this, I had to teach my self.
So why the post? I want to encourage anyone who reads this blog with any sincerity to apply that drive for Erdnase and buy 2 books, Guerilla Marketing and How to Win Friends, and Influence People. Yeah, I know you have heard of them, but you haven't read them. In the rare case that you have read them; I encourage you to buy Marketing Your Services for People Who Hate To Sell.
I am telling you this because I don't want to hear people complain about money to me, much like so many friends do. Not asking me for it but stating they don't have it, can't make it, etc. Yes they can, they just don't know how. They don't teach success in school.

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