Friday, May 4, 2007

The Year of Erdnase

It seems that this year is the year of Erdnase. With the release of the Bible Edition of Erdnase from The Conjuring Arts Research Center (, Al Ackerman and Wes James both pumping out a DVD set via A-1 (I believe) and Magic Makers, respectively. With so much hype and new information coming forth for the book and the unknown author; magicians seem to be falling in love with the romance surrounding the book, the techniques and most importantly the skills and wisdom embodied in the 1902 title. But, as has been discussed in an earlier post, will this improve the skill level of magicians? I think so. Here is my reasoning, with awareness comes a greater liklihood of someone picking up and reading the book or watching it via DVD. Since most DVD's today contain rather drab material and poor slapped together technique often done incorrectly and with the intention of being easy to master.

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